Lance played rad remixes of all your favorite Gabba songs

The crowd loves Brobee!

After the show, Lance posed for photos with fans

The coolest family ever! Even the stuffed bear is into it!

Kevin Sukho Lee and Jesse Ledoux chillaxin' after the show.

This radical dude went as Brobee for Halloween and got to reuse his costume the next day! Convenient!

We had so much fun! What a great time!

Thanks to everyone involved! My son had the BEST TIME EVER! All those hours making his DJ Lance costume really paid off! What a day to remember! :)
Looks like an awesome good time! I hope you all venture to the MIDWEST one of these days!!
Super sad I missed it, I was searching through storage units for missing drives. I found them.
That was so much fun.. My 1yr old is yo-gabba-gabba #1 fan.. We loved it..
we drove up from san diego and had a blast. we have more pix here in case anyone wants to see just how packed it was!
I'm So Sad That I wasn't there , But I'm happy for the kids that got a chance to enjoy the show!
I live way in Louisiana I wish you guy's would come a little closer. I would come to every Show in every surrounding state!
My son keeps saying "lets go yo gabba gabba" he wants to go back! We had so much fun!
Great pix as always, Julia.
My 9month old grand daughter, Charli loves this show, I posted a picture of her in her Foofa PJ's watching on my Blog if you want to see a real cutie, I was hoping to find a baby safe Foofa doll for her! I hope you will be doing more toys and getting them out to us! My Wal-mart only had one style toy! That's where her PJ's came from.
I enjoyed the pictures!
It was great ! My kids loved it ! Plex is so cute ! but it went so fast, we had great viewing. Plex, DJ Lance Rock and Muno High Five my son !
my 3 year old twins love your show. Maybe someday you will do a show close to Portland, Oregon so we can come and enjoy.
my 3 year old twins love your show. Maybe someday you will do a show close to Portland, Oregon so we can come and enjoy.
I was at Amoeba that day, but I missed the show! Saddest day of my life.
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