Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Paul Frank Yo Gabba Wallet

Joel Fox models his über sheik Yo Gabba Gabba wallet by Paul Frank™

with his fabulous pants!

Sorry kids, they were for the cast and crew only.


K. Roo said...

oh my! thats so awesome!

textile_fetish said...

Joel Fox takes style to a whole new level. And man! You got the hook up!

Joshua Wysocki said...

yo bro
what a storyboarder to do to get one of those lovely things!?!?

Parka AKA said...

Josh! Call Hud!

Heather Brown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chris said...

I want one!
My 3 year old LOVES the show. We DVR every episode and save them so they can be viewed on command. :)

Salty Rainbow said...

DVR here, too and repeat viewing and the best part is: I dont' mind!! OH! and NO Dora!! Blech!

Unknown said...


Emchillada said...

I just want to throw my two cents in! : ) he he he

Anonymous said...

yeah, jimmy the robot showed me his wallet. i wanted to steal it! :o

57Telecaster said...

Joel Fox has always been a bellwether of male sartorial spendor. Also, he can always be relied upon to have an interesting wallet, usually self-made. Bravo.