Just recently, Nickelodeon FINALLY aired the "Clean" episode of of Yo Gabba Gabba! "Clean" also introduced a new character, Super Soapy Pal. Super Soapy Pal is a flying bar of soap that is Yo Gabba Gabba's official spokesperson for hygiene (you know, like washing your hands?) His mortal enemies are germs! Not these Germs...
But these germs!!
"We are the tiny ugly germs, and we'll make you sick!" But I digress...
Below is my first colored sketch of Mr. Super Soapy. As you can see, it's super sketchy...
So after everybody dug the sketch, I took it to my computer and built this "cleaner" version (wocka wocka) in Adobe Illustrator. Learning that Super Soapy Pal was going to be flying in front a blue screen, I rendered him in more of a minty hue.
After the cleaner, soapy sketch is OK'd, we turn this art over to our puppet masters, and Super Soapy Pal quickly comes to life!
Here we have Animation Producer Kevin Lee, Animation Wizard Joel Fox and a flying tattooed arm, demonstrating Super Soapy Pal's shoulder resting capabilities.
Super Soapy Pal is here to inspire hope in the hearts of parents and children everywhere. Hope for a cleaner, brighter future.
So what if they've switched to an anti-bacterial liquid soap.
best ever!
Funny how one tiny character could be so fascinating to read about! Awesome blog post, Parker!
PS I someday hope to be described as having a "zesty shape".
Quite possibly one of the best names and looks for a character I've come across. I'm so glad I have a toddler, or I may have never seen the show! Great work!
So cool! The Animation Producer Kevin, looks like he doesn't like super soapy pal, I bet he just wants to play strong pals ;)
This is definitely a bar of Irish Spring!
Actually, is Kevin is very happy with Super Soapy Pal in this picture. You see, he's Vulcan. But yeah, the strong pals... That's something I'd love to blog about...Michael Gump, where are you?
i must get a tattoo of him on my leg now.hahha
Keep posts like this coming! I love reading all about what goes on behind the scenes of Gabba Land!
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