Wednesday, November 28, 2007

NEW Yo Gabba Gabba Official Online Store!

Come check out the brand new Yo Gabba Gabba Online Store just launched! You'll find a spectacular array of new and exclusive YGG T-shirts for kids and grown-ups alike!!!


"Christmas" episode on its way!

December 21 - Yo Gabba Gabba "Christmas" (PREMIERE) So much of Christmas is about receiving, but in this episode the Gabba gang learns about giving through the songs "Making Presents" and "For Me For You." They celebrate winter and the holiday season in the songs "I Love Winter" and "Decorate the Tree." Featured Guest Star: Mark Mothersbaugh in a "Mark's Magic Pictures" segment.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


In case you haven't heard, DJ Lance Rock is hitting the road with a live DJ set opening for The Aquabats! He goes on first around 8 - 8:30 out of consideration for your little ones. Also on the tour is Hunter Revenge (Hunter of AFI's Prince-inspired side project).

November 26.......El Corazon ..............Seattle, WA
November 27.......Wonder Ballroom .........Portland, OR
November 28.......Slim's...................San Fransisco, CA
November 29.......Downtown Brew............San Luis Obispo, CA
November 30.......The Glass House..........Pomona, CA
December 1........The Marquee Theatre......Tempe, AZ
December 8........SOMA.....................San Diego, CA

For more details, please call your local venue.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

New Episode Details!

Nickelodeon just released a press release with details about the new upcoming episodes. Here's some noteworthy tidbits of info for you:

- Monday, November 26 --"Car"
It's time for the Gabba gang to go for a ride in a car. In the song "Keep Trying" they learn the importance of using seat belts. The song"Car Ride" explores the thrill of traveling and during the song"Danger," the characters learn to stay away from the road when playing. Guest Stars: Sugarland in a "Dancey Dance" segment; Biz Markie in a "Biz's Beat of the Day" segment

- Tuesday, November 27 -- "Share"
The Gabba gang learns about sharing by singing "Mine and Yours," "Don't Take it Away," "Share," and "Catch and Throw." Guest Stars: Cornelius performs; Biz Markie in a "Biz's Beat of the Day" segment

- Wednesday, November 28 -- "Find"
Imagination leads to discovery as the Gabba gang uncover many things that may be different or frightening. The songs "I Like Fish" and "Woodpecker" encourage the characters to learn about different animals. The "Keep Trying" song helps Muno find his toy snake that was lost and the song "Peek-a-Boo" allows the gang to play with the viewers at home. Guest Stars: Sean Kingston in a "Dancey Dance" segment; Mark Mothersbaugh in a "Mark's Magic Pictures" segment

- Thursday, November 29 - "Train"
The song "Don't Be Afraid" shows the Gabba gang how to overcome fears, while "Train Ride" and "Too Loud" teach them all about the joys of trains. In the "Share" song, the Gabba characters learn about the multiple parts of a train and how if they work together, they can make the train longer. Guest Stars: Laila Ali in a "Dancey Dance" segment, Biz Markie in a "Biz's Beat of the Day" segment

- Friday, November 30 - "Car" (ENCORE) *See above description

Click here to read the full press release.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Yesterday's Visitor

Brobee dropped by yesterday. It was refreshingly good to see him.
Actually, he kind of snuck up and surprised me...

...but everything's cool now.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Jordan Kim's video for Daedelus featured on Pitchfork !

Jordan Kim is talented, funny and we love him. He is a miracle man in the Yo Gabba Animation department as well as a multi-ranged voice talent on the show.

He is also good at holding piñatas at parties.

Jordan directed this video for Daedelus. It even made the front page Forkcast over at Pitchfork Media!

Read it here, Jordan at

Watch it here:

Adam Deibert interview on "This is Pop Music"

Cast Member and brilliant part of the Yo Gabba Gabba Music department, Mr. Adam Diebert is featured in the "This is Pop Music" blog.
Learn it. Live it. Love it.

The LINK Adam on

New Yo Gabba Gabba! Episodes in November!

As announced on

Tune in for all new episodes of Nick Jr's dancingest new show, Yo Gabba Gabba! Nov. 26-29 @ 11:30 a.m.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Halloween Ultimatum..or something

OK, you guys asked for it....
More more, more!

Too many to comment on. These kids are just too cute!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Halloweeniest Gabbaliciousness

OK you are probably over it, but I had to share these Pumpkins! This comes from Ella and Owen Gray of Edina, Minnesota. You can tell that by looking at the jack-o-lanterns that they spent extra time picking out just the right pumpkins. The Brobee pumpkin is a bit unripe and is kind of green..perfect! And of course, the Muno is just the right shape and is covered with bumps. Bravo!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Halloween 3

It's the day after halloween and more pictures keep popping up.
Let's do it...a break it down...

Dig this DJ Lance! complete with boom box and everything!

Here's another DJ Lance with Gabbaland's greatest dancer, DOIT!!

This plex costume is amazing! To me, it embodies what Yo Gabba Gabba is all about. Wow.

And finally, I love this one! It's chock full of, "What the!?"

*EDIT* The minute after I posted this I got hit with these other 2!!!